Hi, my name is Diane Ciji.

But everyone calls me by my middle name ;)

I am an award winning photographer born and bred in Ontario, Canada. But most importantly, I am the proud mother to three superheroes and a wife to an amazing guy who's just about as crazy as I am lol.

My love for photography came at an early age. And those were the days of film. So, no chances of previewing anything lol. Just pointing, and shooting, trusting my gut and hoping that what developed was what I was looking to capture.

I was lucky enough to take Photography for all 4 years of high school, and I think that's where my love for it really started. And in the digital age that we're now in, I'm really glad that I got to experience developing photos in dark room and learn the science behind it all.

Fast forward a couple of years, and a baby later and my love for photography was sparked again by my first son. I just could NOT STOP TAKING PHOTOS OF HIM. Lol. So much so that my husband bought me my first digital camera, and created a small studio for me in our basement. There, I had fun taking pics of my kids and I practiced. A lot. Those studio photos of my kids led to inquiries for portraits and wedding photos. And I guess you could say, the rest is history ;)

With any photos that I take, my goal is to make my subjects feel totally comfortable so that they can be 100% themselves. When that happens, things like poses & reactions come naturally and then people don't have to worry so much. I tend to hear "I've never done photos like this" or "I'm not sure what to do", but that's completely fine and understandable. As a photographer, it's MY job to get to know you, make sure you're at ease, and help guide you through our shoot.

But first, let's see if we can vibe :)

Send me a message, and let me know what you're hoping to capture. After a phone call, or FaceTime or Zoom, let's see if I'm the photographer for you.

xo dc.

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